Bob (this one) wrote:
> John Bonnett wrote:
>> "Bob Myers" > wrote
>>> "Peter Aitken" > wrote
>>>> "Bob (this one)" > wrote
>>> You were simply wrong. And you're too Penmartic to admit it.
>>>> Hey a new word - penmartic - I love it!
>>> We also have a verb implied here - "to penmart" - not to
>>> mention a whole new belief system ("penmartism") as well
>>> as a debilitating medical (mental?) condition, "penmartia."
>>> Bob M.
>> Don't forget:
>> as a noun - 'ship shape and penmartic fashion'
>> or an adverb - 'the chef penmarticly refused to fry fish'
>> John<==how do you conjugate 'to penmart' ?
> I penmart
> you penmart
> he sheits penmarts (close and looks like a cigar...)
> we penmart
> youse penmart
> they penmart
> To penmart, v.i. (From the obsolete and archaic Sheldon Katz.)
> 1) to behave with wanton belligerence and overweening vulgarity in
> attempting to conceal or divert attention from gaffes,
> misstatements,
> intransigence, and other blunders, errors or stupid statements.
> 2) to invent "facts" or "information" and become agitated when
> they're
> questioned and resort to the behavior in #1.
> 3) to plagiarize the works and words of others and post them as
> one's
> own. 4) to quote extensive passages from published works, infringing
> on copyright.
> 5) to frequently post racist, sexist, anti-ethnic and otherwise
> bigoted diatribes that repeatedly display the crippled mind of a
> crank
> To penmart, v.t. (From the dubiously active and verbally diarrhetic
> Sheldon Katz.)
> 1) to screw up whatever one touches; to penmart the dinner
> 2) to keep trying even in the face of sure failure; to penmart
> grammatical writing
> 3) to be wrong, have it demonstrated and proven beyond any doubt and
> still insist on being right; to penmart the idea that pressure
> cookers
> don't cook.
> penmartism, n. (From the aberrant and demented Sheldon Katz)
> 1) the blatantly mistaken belief that one knows how to cook based on
> 40-year-old experience, and insists that there's only one way to do
> it
> 2) the belief set that excuses vulgarity as a response to question
> or
> disagreement, rather than fact or useful information.
> 3) behavior characterized by puzzling vehemence and malicious attack
> for no apparent reason, particularly those comments designed merely
> to
> insult with no regard for fact or truth.
> Tomorrow, we might explore the penmartic philosophers and their
> teachings. Since they were such failures that they're all dead or
> seem
> to be, it'll be more like a survey course. Between the soup and fish
> course. Think of it not as a palate cleanser, but a mind emptier. So
> you can be right up there with them.
> Pastorio
I was correct. You *ARE* obsessed with this person of your affection.