Thread: Lapin
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Dave Smith
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Dog3 wrote:

> > Browsing through the recipe drawer I ran across an old one I
> > immediately wanted to make: rabbit in mustard sauce. From a Patricia
> > Wells book, posted in rfc years ago I think by Alan Zelt. At any rate,
> > the problem is the markets around me don't have rabbit any more. Any
> > Southern Californians out there happen to know a source? -aem
> >
> >

> Load up that gun aem and go huntin'(sic) If you was squirrel, opossum or
> coon I can fax you as many as you want <evil grin>.

Wild rabbit tends to be leaner and meaner than domestic rabbit.

There were a few things that were not served in my parents' house. My father
had served in the air force during the year and had too much mutton and too
many (overcooked) Brussels Sprouts. I remember my mother serving lamb chops
once when my father was away and Sprouts only once or twice. We never had
rabbit. My father had been raised on a rabbit ranch and during the Depression
they ate a lot of their bunnies.

He had developed such a dislike of rabbit that after being shot down and being
on the run in an occupied country without food, a rabbit was close enough for
him to grab, but he didn't even try. As hungry as he was he did not want to eat
rabbit. If the rabbit had been so daring a day or two later he might not have
been so lucky.

There a funny seen in "Local Hero" where a young man is upset about injuring a
rabbit with his car and brings the rabbit to the hotel where they are staying.
The dinner special that night is Lapin, and after biting into his dinner he
remembered that lapin is rabbit, and realizes he has just eaten his little