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  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> What my friend had in mind was, actually, "afternoon tea", a ritual of the
> upper class (or "would be" upper class) folks who regularly indulge in a
> repast of teeny-weeny sandwiches concocted of such delectable things as
> watercress and shrimp pate followed by assorted teeny-weeny decorated
> pastries in fanciful shapes - - and a pot of properly brewed tea.
> [etc. blathering]

Once I invited a friend of mine, up in Manchester, to come round for tea.
He gladly accepted and we had tea. Tea and biscuits. Just that. From the
sad look in his eyes, when he left at about 6, I felt something wasn't
quite right. Then I came to realise that tea up north means something
different and he probably passed by a Fish and Chips shop on his way home,
silently shaking his head about the meanness of foreigners. Next time we
had tea, high tea, and he was happy.