Starving Student
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ms. tonya
Posts: n/a
I'm almost finished my first year in University and my first year living
away from home. If there's one thing I regret, it's not having a lot of
recipes for quick healthy meals that I can make. I've gained about 10
pounds in the last year.
I was wondering if someone has good recipes that they have tried and can
share with me. I'm looking for quick meals, low fat, preferably
Thank you.
------------------------------------------------------------RESPONSE: I
worked @ Indiana University -Teter Quad- as a prep cook in mid 1970's
and really feel for you.
Nothing but high fat, unhealthy and tasteless food was served 3 times a
I told more than one student instead of protesting whether the lettuce
was picked from a union farm, jumping on cafeteria table and crowing
like a rooster - hazing time- or if the cows were grass or corn fed the
list goes on to protest for better tasting heathy food that your parents
flipped the bill for.
I saw first hand students who after 4 years of cheeseburgers, fries,
eggs in butter and soda pop etc. day in day out were obese and sick when
they received their degrees.
Glad to know attitudes are changing what is going in their bodies now.
Good luck with your search for alternative menu if I remember right
cooking in students dorm was prohibited but not from ordering late nite
pizzas as many did.
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