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Wayne Boatwright
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On Sat 09 Apr 2005 09:44:21p, Sheryl Rosen wrote in

> AlleyGator at wrote on 4/9/05 9:31 AM:
>> I don't know if Famous-Barr stores are stricly a midwestern THANG -
>> but if there's one within driving distance you might want to check
>> them out. Yesterday and today they had a big 7am to midnight 2-day
>> "sale" on. Picked up a Henkels Classic no-stain (not stainless!) 7
>> inch Sankuto and 4 inch paring set - regular $99.99 for 50 bucks. I
>> know knife debates start a whole thread, and everyone seems to be
>> pretty pasionate about what they have - to me it's just a tool, and I
>> like Henkels. I wanted the Sankuto, but the paring knife was just a
>> bonus. Cool.

> Famous-Barr is a May Company store.

Yes, Famous-Barr has been part of the May Company group for many decades,
but back in the 1950s, at least, it was considered one of the jewels in the
crown. Things have changed, for sure.

> They bought up a bunch of local/regional department stores and kept the
> local names but they are all basically the same store, with the same
> sales chain-wide at their "mid-range" stores. I have bought things for
> people in other parts of the country at my local Filene's, with a gift
> receipt, and they've been able to exchange them for size or color at
> their local store, such as Foley's or Kauffman's.
> In New England, it's Filene's.
> In Eastern PA, it's Strawbridges.
> In Western PA, it's Kauffmans
> In Texas, Foleys.
> In the mid-west, it's Famous-Barr.
> There are other names in other parts of the country, this is just off
> the top of my head.
> They also own Lord and Taylor, which has different merchandise and
> different sales than Filene's/Foley's/Kauffmans/Etc. Not sure if
> Marshall Fields is it's own thing, a la Lord and Taylor, or if it's
> lumped in with Filene's, etc.

Mergers and buyouts have been going on for a long time. Up until the mid-
1970's in Cleveland there was a family owned department store chain, The
halle Bros. Co., that had been considered one of Cleveland's premier
stores. It was bought out by Marshall Field's and promptly run into the
ground, finally closing altogether after an 80-year history. The May Co.
stores in Cleveland closed, and a few re-opened as Kaufman's.

> Unfortunately, May Company is merging with Federated, and most of their
> stores will be converted to Macy's. Which stinks for me, because I
> really enjoy shopping at Filenes and I hate shopping at Macy's. We're
> losing a shopping option and I HATE that!

The saddest part is that all the really glorious old department stores are
either gone altogether, or exist in name only being shoddily merchandised.

There were two other department store chains in St. Louis that once reigned
supreme, Scruggs, Vandervoort, and Barney, and Stix, Bayer, and Fuller. I
believe they still exist, but I have no idea what their stature is now.

Wayne Boatwright *¿*

Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974