In article >,
Karen AKA Kajikit > wrote:
> We bought a big bottle of it today to make pancakes with... it's
> sell-by date is next weekend so I can't see any way to use it all
> before it goes off... that's if it DOES go off - I've never used
> buttermilk before, but I know it's supposed to make great pancakes. Is
> there anything else you can do with it? Can I freeze some of it for
> later use? Or else does somebody have some great buttermilk recipes I
> can try this week? And lastly, do you use it just the same as regular
> milk for pancake making?
> ~Karen aka Kajikit
> Crafts, cats, and chocolate - the three essentials of life
> *remove 'nospam' to reply
When you use buttermilk instead of milk in recipes, you can replace some
of the baking powder with baking soda to compensate for the acidity of
the buttermilk.
For buttermilk pancakes, I use about 1/4 tsp of baking soda for 2 cups
of buttermilk. That gives a slightly sour batter. You can double this
amount if you don't like the acidity.