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if you are fortunate enough not to have high blood pressure, and therefore
not watching your sodium, then the best use for buttermilk is DRINKING IT!

It is wonderfully delicious as a beverage

second only to kefir in my book!

but if you have high BP, don't even think about drinking a big glass of

"Karen AKA Kajikit" > wrote in message
> We bought a big bottle of it today to make pancakes with... it's
> sell-by date is next weekend so I can't see any way to use it all
> before it goes off... that's if it DOES go off - I've never used
> buttermilk before, but I know it's supposed to make great pancakes. Is
> there anything else you can do with it? Can I freeze some of it for
> later use? Or else does somebody have some great buttermilk recipes I
> can try this week? And lastly, do you use it just the same as regular
> milk for pancake making?
> ~Karen aka Kajikit
> Crafts, cats, and chocolate - the three essentials of life
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