BOB wrote:
> Bob (this one) wrote:
> (A big bunch of self-serving, petty, personal attacks that I decided
> to snip.)
<LOL> You're simply the best at the fine art of "departee"
Not quite "repartee," though. That demands that you stand and actually
say something with some content to what's been said to you. Unlike the
past couple blurts from you.
> Yeah, you're right. How dare that *I* would even consider making a
> comment to the master of the put-down.
Let me gently remind you that you began this odyssey by attacking me.
You decided that I needed to be told that I'm obsessing and
cyberstalking Sheldon. Let me also remind you that you backed away from
that - renounced it - very quickly when the real definitions were
smacked across your idiot face. Then you tried to make it about
something else. That failed. And you've persisted in trying to gain
ascendancy at any cost of your demolished integrity.
> I mean,
> really, when you do happen to post some sort of real and/or helpful
> information, you have to post a little jab to belittle the OP.
Your self-serving opacity is stunning.
> If
> you'd bother to read through a few of your own posts, you just *might*
> see that you come off as an ankle biting, leg-humping troll,
<LOL> More of your brilliant pejoratives. But I'm the one who puts
people down and you don't...
Could you be more stupid...?
> restlessly awaiting the next installment of the pasterio "I'm better
> than you are, and I'll put you down just to prove it"
It's spelled p-a-s-t-o-r-i-o. You seem to have a hard time with words of
more than about 5 letters.
The trivial show you've put on in this thread is all that needs saying
to and about you. I can't understand your reason for attacking me. It
looked like you felt the need to ambush me for some personal point. It's
a pity you can't actually see it clearly enough to accept the
responsibility that's yours. It's very telling that you snip
*everything* before you reply. It merely looks like you're flailing
about trying to get something to stick. Anything.
Looks a lot like ankle-biting and leg-humping. But you didn't hear it
from me. Wait... yes you did.
Also, I especially admire your Humpty-Dumpty use of words. Never mind
what everyone else says they mean, only a creative genius like you can
make them mean something new. Buy a dictionary that doesn't come with
crayons. Start with "troll"