Karen AKA Kajikit wrote:
> We bought a big bottle of it today to make pancakes with... it's
> sell-by date is next weekend so I can't see any way to use it all
> before it goes off... that's if it DOES go off - I've never used
> buttermilk before, but I know it's supposed to make great pancakes. Is
> there anything else you can do with it?
It's good for marinating poultry. Imparts a light tang to it. Soak in
buttermilk for a few hours, shake off excess, coat with flour, let dry
for a little while, fry. Lovely.
Good for marinating shrimp and scallops, too. Drain, rinse and sauté.
> Can I freeze some of it for later use?
Yes, but it won't spoil too soon. It can generally go a couple weeks
past the sell by date.
> Or else does somebody have some great buttermilk recipes I
> can try this week?
Google. Buttermilk is a good ingredient in lots of baked goods.
> And lastly, do you use it just the same as regular
> milk for pancake making?
No. The balance of ingredients will be important. Stick with recipes
that have been designed for it.