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Rona Y.
Posts: n/a

KHaled wrote:

> Thanks for the link, but TinyURLs make me nervous, so perhaps
> you may want to post full links in the future..

If the entire ng decided to ban tinyurls, then I probably would, but for a
relatively small percentage, it's not likely to happen. If tinyURLs make
people nervous, they don't have to open them. Simple as that. I don't
require anyone to take a look at the links I post. Generally, nothing I
post is of very great importance anyway--no one will die if s/he doesn't
look at it. Therefore, it wouldn't bother me in the least if someone
decided not to look just because it was a tinyurl. In addition, I've been
posting here long enough for most people to know I would never post anything
that might damage their computers or offend them in some way (at least not
intentionally). Trust me or don't--doesn't make a difference to me :-).


***For e-mail, replace .com with .ca Sorry for the inconvenience!***

"[America] is filled with people who decided not to live in Europe. We
had people who really wanted to live in Europe, but didn't have the
energy to go back. We call them Canadians." ---Grover Norquist in
Newsweek, November 22, 2004