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AlleyGator wrote:
> I don't know if Famous-Barr stores are stricly a midwestern THANG -
> but if there's one within driving distance you might want to check
> them out. Yesterday and today they had a big 7am to midnight 2-day
> "sale" on. Picked up a Henkels Classic no-stain (not stainless!) 7
> inch Sankuto and 4 inch paring set - regular $99.99 for 50 bucks. I
> know knife debates start a whole thread, and everyone seems to be
> pretty pasionate about what they have - to me it's just a tool, and I
> like Henkels. I wanted the Sankuto, but the paring knife was just a
> bonus. Cool.

I don't think you got any great bargain. I would say you bought the
*Budget* model, what amounts to a Knock-Off. There's Four-Star,
Five-Star, and Professional "S". The "Classic" is made in Spain. And
it should be spelled "Henckels", with a "c".... actually should be
marked "J. A. Henckels"... if yours is marked "Henkels" you definitely
got ripped off.

Here someone paid $35:
