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"Sheldon" > wrote:

>I don't think you got any great bargain. I would say you bought the
>*Budget* model, what amounts to a Knock-Off. There's Four-Star,
>Five-Star, and Professional "S". The "Classic" is made in Spain. And
>it should be spelled "Henckels", with a "c".... actually should be
>marked "J. A. Henckels"... if yours is marked "Henkels" you definitely
>got ripped off.
>Here someone paid $35:

To me it's a bargain because I was unable to find it cheaper anywhere
else, and always prefer to walk home with a box rather than mail-order
if possible. It says "no-stain" (I can't abide Stainless steel
knives) but the last time I used it, I rinsed it off, forgot to dry
immediatlely and now it has a bunch of stain marks. BTW, I spelled it
wrong. And also BTW I take the posted review with a real small grain
of salt, since she even gets the blade form wrong :
<quote>Unlike curved Western blades, that you can rock over your food,
Asian knives have a flat, straight edge, and must be dropped down
through the food like a guillotine</quote>. And she compares it to a
LARGE (sic) chef's knife - wrong again. So I have serious doubts she
paid what she states. For me, I would have had to pay the store's
list, which is $99.99. Anyway, I like it OK. But yeah, I think
you're right about it being a budget model. It chaps me though that
any serious knife-maker would even produce stainless steel models - I
certainly wouldn't buy one - after the poor luck I had keeping the
first one sharp.