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Sheryl Rosen wrote:
> Karen AKA Kajikit at wrote on 4/9/05 10:05 PM:
> > We bought a big bottle of it today to make pancakes with... it's
> > sell-by date is next weekend so I can't see any way to use it all
> > before it goes off... that's if it DOES go off - I've never used
> > buttermilk before, but I know it's supposed to make great pancakes.

> > there anything else you can do with it? Can I freeze some of it for
> > later use? Or else does somebody have some great buttermilk recipes

> > can try this week? And lastly, do you use it just the same as

> > milk for pancake making?
> > ~Karen aka Kajikit

> You bought a "big bottle" of something you have never used before and

> know how to use? And with a short expiration date?
> Why would you buy a "big bottle" of it if you have no idea what to do

> the rest of it after the half cup or so for your recipe?
> Not the brightest star in the sky, huh?

Well, "big" is relative. I don't think buttermilk is sold in less than
quart size (in fact for more than 60 years I've only seen buttermilk in
quart containers, not larger or smaller, although in some locations
things may be different), but come to think of it as a small child I
remember going to the dairy with ones own containers, buttermilk was
ladled from a 'big' can (hey, to a three year old that can was "big")
so one could buy whatever amount, but I seriously doubt one will find
that these days in other but third world countrys. And it's been many
years since I've seen buttermilk in "bottles", or any milk in bottles
for that matter. Perhaps to the OP a quart is *big*, or only a manner
of speaking... I don't see the big deal.