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Ken Davey
Posts: n/a
Dog3 wrote:
(AlleyGator) wrote in
> :
>> "Sheldon" > wrote:
>>> I always have lots of Evap., buy it by the case for my pussys...if
>>> it's good with meow mix it hasta be great with brecky flakies.
>>> For as far back as I can remember there's always a couple cans of
>>> evaporated milk in the pantry... I remember it being purchased with
>>> ration coupons during WWII... but no way those new fangled latex
>>> nipples could fool me... do they still have those stuffed bunny
>>> bottle holders, not even close to the real deal... I don't think
>>> bunnies come is double DDs.
>>> Sheldon
>> We always keep evap and powdered around - evap mixed half with water
>> is just fine for cereal or whatever - better than running to the
>> store at odd hours if you forgot milk on the shopping list!
> I do not like the powdered milk. My dog will not even drink it. I do
> keep a can or 2 of evap around at all times though.
> Michael
And, lest we forget, sweetened condensed (Eagle brand) milk was THE
Christmas treat when I was growing up.
Anybody else have that memory?
My heart melts when I remember my 'sainted' dad and I sharing that tiny can
that appeared under the Christmas tree.
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