"Rona Y." > wrote in
> KHaled wrote:
>> Thanks for the link, but TinyURLs make me nervous, so
>> perhaps you may want to post full links in the future..
> If the entire ng decided to ban tinyurls, then I probably
> would, but for a relatively small percentage, it's not
> likely to happen. If tinyURLs make people nervous, they
> don't have to open them. Simple as that. I don't require
> anyone to take a look at the links I post. Generally,
> nothing I post is of very great importance anyway--no one
> will die if s/he doesn't look at it. Therefore, it
> wouldn't bother me in the least if someone decided not to
> look just because it was a tinyurl. In addition, I've been
> posting here long enough for most people to know I would
> never post anything that might damage their computers or
> offend them in some way (at least not intentionally).
> Trust me or don't--doesn't make a difference to me :-).
> rona
My comment was based on a general feeling that I have, which
may be a bit over, but better safe. You and the others who
make the point that the source of the link is important are
right, but since I am new to this group I do not know who's
who.. Now that I am informed I feel better about following
your links.
Have a nice day.
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