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Default coarse salt container for my wife

PENMART01 wrote:

>>It sounds like you are looking for what is referred to as a "salt box." They
>>were very common
>>at the turn of the last century and are probably reproduced today. They are
>>usually porcelain
>>or lithographed tin and may be covered (hinged) or uncovered. They were
>>frequently hung
>>on the wall near the stove but some were made as shelf sitters. You can find
>>salt boxes in antique stores or online at eBay.

> Actually "saltbox" is an architectural style (a frame dwelling with two stories
> in front and one behind and a roof with a long rear slope) ... the salt
> container you're thinking of is called a "saltcellar"... larger ones used in
> the kitchen, smaller ones for table use... nowadays the saltcellar has evolved
> such that it has a cap with holes.

Also salt pigs. . . Cute little open fronted ceramic pieces with a small

Here's one source:

or use this:

Many other places carry these.
