First of all, as a traveler you must be familiar with body language-

This is the first language I use with some English and some Local
language. I always get some language book(sort of 7-days survival
language kit) and a children book with many pictures which helps me to
talk about different color, shape, food, fruits etc.
I also speak five different languages and going through Portuguese
language right now. I got a copy of "Cha Jing" and also trying to learn
a little Chinese. I am emphasizing less on Portuguese because I use
this everyday here. Moreover, I got a strong basic about Portuguese
language by professional language trainers in FSI(Foreign language
training institute, Virginia). The great thing was- previously, I had
to learn all other foreign languages though books and talking with
local people. When I got Portuguese language training in FSI, I also
learn that how to learn a foreign language systematically. FSI is the
largest foreign language and cultural training centre in the world
which train 3000+ US diplomats for foreign mission abroad each year.
They teach every single language in a scientific and systematic way and
I tried to learn that technique for my further foreign language
interest. I can see with their way, I am learning Portuguese and
Chinese faster then before. One thing, I have learned from FSI is- if
someone can speak English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Bangla and
Chinese- you can travel around the world and coup up with any foreign
language quickly. These foreign languages has strong similarity with
other regional languages. You can never speak every single universal
language but you can travel around the world briefly with those above
six different languages. The problem is in certain time, you mix up
couple of languages and loss your certain skill in a single language.
Even as a native Bangla speaker, I mix up the language now a days. So
English is always the best media to travel around because it is an
standard universal language.
Above all, body language is the best universal language and you never
mix up with this-
Maputo, Mozambique