come fill the cup-
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Michael Plant
Posts: n/a
> "Derek" > wrote in message ...
>> As for the gourmand/gourmet dichotomy, a gourmet is a connoisseur -
>> only the best will do, and it has to be served properly. A gourmand is
>> just interested in good food and drink.
> Ahem! *just* interested?
> From
> (emphasis mine):
> One entry found for gourmand.
> Main Entry: gour
So, the first is the professional and the second the amateur, in a sense.
I'll be the latter. I'm not brainy enough for the former, and besides,
knowledge is the booby prize of life. I actually looked in the dictionary --
American Heritage, 4th ed. BTW, since you can now get a copy of MW Third
International for around $40.00 in NYC, are they on the verge of putting out
another edition, anyone?
I'm drinking a Tie Lo Han, which is quite nice with touches of sweetness in
a rich body alternating light wood and a toasty roasty bit that's not
overdone and so not obtrusive. There's a little metal thing in the aroma and
in the taste when you steep longer, but not a bad one.
I'm listening to the earliest Bessie Smith recordings I've got (from
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