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Dee Randall
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"Vox Humana" > wrote in message
> > wrote in message
>> Hello all and thank you for your time.
>> I know this has been discussed before but I needed a dumbed down
>> version. My husband and I are very novice when it comes to cooking.
>> That said, we have gone through our second set of teflon pots and pans.
>> Noodles are sticking the the large pot and the pans have scratches
>> (thanks to hubby using metal forks!). We saute a lot with our pans and
>> cook a lot of eggs.
>> So here's the question. I want to buy a new set of pots and pans. I
>> know some don't like sets but for me they are easier and cheaper. What
>> should I get, teflon or stainless steel? What brands should I look for
>> (I would like the whole set to be under $200)?
>> Any suggestions?

> I have Wolfgang Puck cookware from HSN. It is SS and performs very well.
> I've used it for about 5 years and have no regrets. You can get a starter
> set for around $100 and then fill in with any specialty pieces you many
> need
> from open stock. You can see the sets he
> They usually have a wide variety of sets, but for some reason there are
> really only two offered now: the starter set and a gigantic set for $300
> I think you have learned the lesson of non-stick pans. Even very
> expensive
> ones don't perform that well in the long run. I have a couple small
> omelet
> pans that I use on rare occasions. I find that I don't need non-stick
> pans
> for most cooking. In addition to the WP cookware, I have a large cast
> iron
> skillet. It is nearly as non-stick as the coated pans.
> You might consider modifying your technique if you find things are
> sticking.
> I heat the pan and then add some oil. I never have problems with food
> sticking and the pans clean-up very easily.

Re Wolfgang Puck, I saw a complete set of pans of his brand at BJ's
yesterday; I believe they were under $200 -- perhaps somewhere between $139
& $200; I can't remember, except I picked up one or two pans.

Re Circulon - I bought perhaps 4 circulon, but don't use any of them now
except one little frypan which I put a lot of oil in to saute garlic. I
must've cooked food at too high a heat and all of the food stuck and burned
into the rings of the pan. Some will say it's my fault in my method of
cooking -- that may be true -- that's for others to decide without seeing my
method of cooking. But at any rate, I've been cooking with non-stick for
about 2 years now of a set of Kirkland-Professional $200 for a set of 10,
and have liked it, but I think I will eventually go back to stainless steel;
but a good set; there is a set now at Costco -- very heavy which I like --
around $200 also. It has a little copper ring on the outside of the pans.
Some of the pans are a little curvy and I'm not sure about whether I could
live with the design.
I looked at All-Clad yesterday, too, while I was shopping, and never had
looked seriously at it before; all the prices marked down quite a lot. But
I think might be what the do to sell it? - I don't know. But, I will pass
on All-Clad, too.
Good luck,