French Plonk?
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Timothy Hartley
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In message . com>
> Vin de Pays wines can be very, very good, depending on who makes them.
> Like anything else. There are a lot of terrible AOC wines made, too.
> This reminds me of some people who assume that a film will be good
> strictly because it's a French film. True, some of the best are French
> films, but many porkers are also released there.
It also has to be remembered that AOC laws restrict the varietals which may
be planted so that some quite good wine made with "illegal" cépages is
available. This could be an example o such a wine since Cabernet Sauvignon
is not a varietal local to the Var! However — like Mike — and despite
having a wife from that part pf the world and having spent many a happy
summer exploring local wines rather than stay in with the in-laws — lovely
as they are — I have never seen, or heard of, this one.
Timothy Hartley
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