Once again you show your ignorance...
There are dozens of teas, and each from vintages spanning many years,
wrapped in the very same wrapper. The differences are often so small
that you cannot tell from a thumbnail sized photo, differences as small
as the thickness of one letter in the font or the hue of magenta used
can mean the difference between a worthless cake and one of extreme
value. The proof of that is evident if you look through the very site
you are quoting, you will see several very different teas with the
identical looking wrappers. I have books that document these
differences, much like the books for coin collectors, showing the
minuscule differences in the wrappers (inside and out) and equate them
to pedigree and vintage. I spoke of this phenomenon on my site ages
ago. If you are judging pedigree, vintage, and value by the wrapper
alone then you do indeed need to educate yourself more and stop
spreading misinformation! You are getting as bad about spreading
misinformation as some of the vendors.....
BTW Lew you are correct, the loosely translated "courageous sea" does
indeed mean the Meng Hai Factory when referencing pu'er. I know this
beyond a shadow of a doubt!