On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 08:44:13 -0500, Katra
> wrote:
>In article >,
> (AlleyGator) wrote:
>> Are you serious about this, kilikini? I'm on a low-or NO (ideally)
>> sodium diet. I really didn't know this. Are you sure?
>She is right... ESPECIALLY if you are buying the FF bags!
>I don't see any fresh chicken (so far) here that is injected, but nearly
>every turkey is. :-P
>It will say so on the labels. Just check them and you will be ok. :-)
>I'm also low sodium so I understand all too well where you are coming
They're even proud of it... half the time the label says 'injected
with moisturiser', which means salt water. It makes the chicken taste
AWFUL! I hate salty food and have high bloodpressure so we have to
hunt for chicken au natural - at Penn Dutch the chicken parts are
fine, including whole chickens cut in half or quarters and packaged by
the store, but we can't buy the whole chickens or the whole breasts
because they're salted... the chicken breast tenders are good though -
they're too small to put salt in!
~Karen aka Kajikit
Crafts, cats, and chocolate - the three essentials of life
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