coarse salt container for my wife
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coarse salt container for my wife
wrote in :
> DJ > wrote:
>> Looking for an online source for a nice container my wife can put on the
>> counter or above the stove that stores the coarse salt she uses to cook
>> with. Thanks.
> The box the salt comes in makes the best container, in my humble opinion.
I buy my coarse salt in a 2 kilo bag. I use one of those lidded condiment
bowls to keep my cooking salt in. It has a hinged two part lid, with knobs
for easy opening. Being a little messy while cooking I think a water
resistant container you can close is a must to keep the salt in (keeps
errant water/grease away from the salt). Also the condiment bowl allows
easy access for getting a pinch or handful. I find I have better control
over amounts when I use my hands than when I pour or shake stuff in.
Another reason I use the condiment bowl is I had one down in the basement
collecting dust.
Once during Prohibition I was forced to live for days on nothing but food
and water.
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