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Default freezing fresh mozzarella?

(Ken) wrote in message m>...
> I live in the country and it's hard to find good food products. I
> came across some real, fresh mozzarella a few days ago. You know, the
> real, soft kind, not the rubbery kind. Well, I was so excited to find
> it, I bought a bit too much. What would it do to the texture to
> freeze fresh mozzarella? I'm guessing that it would make it the usual
> crumbly texture. But does anyone out there have experience with this?
> Anna Maria? Anyone?
> This came packed in plastic, not in water like in the deli. Also any
> ideas on how long it will last if it's a just plain stupid idea to
> freeze it?
> As an aside: This kind of ties in to the simple food/obesity thread.
> The kids here aren't obese. But it's a forty minute drive to the
> nearest fast food joint. And for summer time fun, the kids go
> swimming in the River. Simple life, simple foods, and no obese kids.

One can have a simple life wherever one chooses to live. I drive by
the fast food joints and learned long ago how to cook a good/healthy
meal in 30 minutes and have healthy snacks around if cooking the meal
would take longer. (Just say no to your kids when they ask for it or
make it an occasional treat.) My daughter is naturally active and
acheived a black belt in Tang Soo Do a couple of years ago at age 15.
Studies are saying that it's the suburbs that encourage people to lead
a sedentary lifestyle.

OB Food: How much is too much fresh mozzarella? I'd be eating that
all week in Antipasto, Capri salad, etc. You may be able to find
recipes that use fresh mozzarella that you can freeze. Also, if it's
hard to find in your area, you can make your own, searching Google
will turn up a recipe or two.
