How to lose your Baba Ganouche
We were given a big bag of eggplants (aubergine) from a friend, the only way
to use them up was to make baba ganouche. I have made this maybe 50 times,
after the first few times it has been pretty good stuff. Never any problems
before. You start with baking them whole in the oven and when they are soft
you peel off the skin and pulp the cooked flesh.
So into the oven goes 8 or so eggplants and I put on the time to remind me
to check them. I settled down to watch TV. After about half an hour ...
One of the little buggers had exploded, pulp everywhere. This has *never*
happened before, so why has it happened now, who knows? So now I will prick
each one before baking. After I clean the oven.