Thread: 15 Bean Soup
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Damsel in dis Dress
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A little birdie told me that sf > said:

>On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 13:43:54 -0500, Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>> If I made my own mult-bean mixture, I'd skip the lima beans and the
>> garbanzos.

>I think you probably needed to cook it a couple of hours longer in
>that case. Did your beans have time to really "mush" up? I like it
>thick with just a few beans that can can look at and say "that's a
>bean".... which are NOT garbanzos and seldom limas.

I can't stand mushy soup. I never blend any of it, with the exception of a
small portion of potato soup, just to provide body. I want my beans to be
beans. Each variety almost needs to be cooked separately to achieve that.

My taste buds don't like lima beans. The garbanzos are just fine. My
objection is the drastic change in texture.

Coming at you live, from beautiful Lake Woebegon