A Special Message From Martha Stewart
kalanamak > wrote in message >...
> Steve Wertz wrote:
> > Most men get more distinguished and handsome as they grow older
> > (unless you're Clint Eastwood).
> >
> > Women don't.
> >
> > -sw
> As a woman who had had more rectal exams than you can shake a stick at,
> I don't think most men get more distinguished and handsome as they they
> get older. There are a few that improve (I'm married to one...his face
> was too gaunt in his younger days), but some women do, too. Joan
> Crawford, to me, looked much better middle aged than in her twenties. I
> think you are mentally skipping over, say, Alan Bates turkey neck, the
> uneven balders, and the puffy blotcher. No one can tell me Van Johnson
> got handsomer and more distinguished. Nor Bob Hope.
At our 20 year HS reunion (two years ago), all the guys had fat beer
bellies, were bald and greying. The women, however, kicked ass...many
of them stayed at their HS weight or close, looked gorgeous and were
more successful than the guys, too.