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Mike Van Pelt
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In article >,
Rodney Myrvaagnes > wrote:
>My two cents worth on leek and potato soup. I think it always wants an
>onion, but I don't know why.
>I don't think it needs chicken stock, even though I value chicken
>stock enough to make a batch whenever it threatens to run low.
>I suggest that everyone should make a l&p soup once using just leek,
>potato, onion, salt, and water. Taste how nice it is without any
>fanciness. Then think of garnishes etc to jazz it up, if you wish. But
>don't assume it needs anything else until you try it.

I usually make it with just leeks, potatoes, and chicken broth,
and a little butter to lightly saute the leeks in. And a just
a tiny bit of freshly grated nutmeg. I haven't tried adding
onion yet; I'll have to give that a try next time. I've never
put cream in it, and I find it quite wonderful without it. (And
certainly lower calorie!)
Mad Science means never having to say | Mike Van Pelt
"What's the worst thing that could happen?" | mvp at
-- Kevyn, | KE6BVH