interesting story of typical Turkish hospitality, however
being a Turk I'd like to clarify a couple things.
Turks aren't arabs, they are mostly muslims and they do
share alot of middle eastern traits, but in reality they
decended from middle asian turks and migrated from there to
their current location. The language is Ural altaic and
it's very different from Arabic in terms of gramatical
construction. Due to the Ottoman's liking of the persian
language, and the multi-national structure that they had a
lot of arabic and persian words have been taken into
Turkish, however the majority were taken out during the 30s
as Turkey tried to purify its language.
The brand mentioned is Caycur is actually spelled CayKur and
there Cay means tea and Kur is an abbreviation of the word
Kurumu, which means something along the lines of "the
company of" meaning the company of tea. CayKur as i
believe is or partially is owned by the government, and is
the leading brand in its market in Turkey.
Just wanted to clarify things, that's all.