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Edwin Pawlowski
Posts: n/a

> wrote in message
> But first about the teflon...The biggest drawback in teflon is that if
> you scratch it and then follow the manufacturer's instructions (in tiny
> print) you should throw the pan away. This is because the aluminum
> that is under the teflon is under serious consideration as a major
> contributer to Alzheimer's Disease. Do an internet search for the
> connection between aluminum and AD and you'll see what I'm talking
> about.

You are talking nonsense. This had been debunked over and over. Read, as
you suggested, and update yourself.

Secondly, there is a lot of debate about the connection between
> cooking with teflon and people's pet birds dropping dead in the
> kitchen. There are many sites you can go to where you will see
> warnings against using teflon pans if you own a parrot, for instance (
> -read the warnings at the
> bottom of the page). I figure that if it's killing birds, it can't be
> too healthy for people. Coal miners used to use canaries to warn them
> if the air was becoming poisonous in the same way.

There is some truth to this under certain circumstances. Overheating a pan
can cause problems for birds. Ov eheating a non-teflon pan with oil or food
in it can case problems also.

> But because with the Saladmaster pots
> you cook at a much lower temp. your food does not stick to the pan
> (sometimes you need to use a little Pam spray or something similar). I
> find these pans to be easy to clean and tough to damage.

You can do lth is with any good SS pot or pan. IMO, Saladmaster is
overpriced, but if your happy, I'm happy.