Fudge making promblem
Sorry, my fudge isn't supposed to harden, so I cannot help. But I love spoon
Had to talk about fudge, think I need to go get some.
"Barbara" > wrote in message
> I can not get my fudge to harden.
> recipe below
> chocolate fudge recipe
> 2 cups sugar
> 2/3 c milk
> 1/3c cocoa
> 2T butter
> 2T corn syrup
> 1/4tsp salt
> 1tsp vanilla
> Butter the loaf pan.heat sugar,milk,choc,corn syrup and salt in a 3qt
> saucepan over med heat.stirring constantly,until chocolate is melted and
> sugar is dissolved.cook stirring occasionlly,to 234*F on candy
> thermometer.
> Remove from heat add butter.Cool,without stirring to 120*f.Then add
> vanilla:beat continously with wooden spoon for 5-10 minutes until,no
> longer glossey.Spread in pan and cool until firm.
> All help needed.Please reply to the newsgroup.
> Thank you very much
> Barbara