tips re cooking breakfasts in a guesthouse
PLEASE whatever you do DO NOT par cook any of the meats.The night
before you could open the cans of beans and tomatoes and put them in
the fridge (in tupperware type boxes)ready for the pan in the
morning.Break the eggs and whisk with a touch of milk and again store
in the fridge.(for scrambled eggs of course) if you have another
fridge then you could lay the sausages on a baking tray(do not forget
to prick them) and do the same with the bacon -- alot of
establishments that do "breakfasts" cook the sausages and bacon in the
oven.we used to do this when i worked for the air force as can you
imagine frying tons of bacon etc. every morning --the ammount of pans
would be astronomical.If you are using fresh tomatoes rather than
tinned ones then halve them and place on a baking tray and fridge
overnight(put a drop or two of olive oil on them and mill a bit of
pepper on the tops).If doing mushrooms then clean and store ready for
cooking, open tins of baked beans ready to pan in the morning,take
eggs for frying out of the fridge to get to room you have
black pudding??? it is not everyones taste but if you do then slice
ready for frying in the morning.good luck, hope i haven't forgotten