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Default A Special Message From Martha Stewart

Steve Wertz > writes:

>AOL'ers don't have a clue how the Internet works, or how to read
>headers. Then they spout off like they actually know something, when
>in fact they couldn't be more wrong. And you call me clueless?

Well that's certainly a sweeping generalization. Guess you have to put people
down in order to feel superior instead of worrying about facts.

>I have another ISP - Earthlink. But AOL is faster and easier and I like the
>setup for newsgroups better than using my Agent newsreader with Earthlink. I
>just don't care whether anyone's impressed with the name of my ISP.

>>>So why did you mention it, then?

To point out how irrational and childish your biased opinion is.

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My mind is like a, whatchamacallit.