Herb Spam wrote on 16 Apr 2005 in rec.food.cooking
> I am posting the following on behalf of our spaming company to this
> newsgroup. This is not a spam solicitation, but it is posted here as
> poorly written spam, because we are total low lives and we want to
> spam people.
> Any suggestions or comments as to where we can stick our spam are
> appreciated.
> Thank you.
> If you are interested in pursuing an opportunity such as this spam,
> please contact us by email with any spam related questions you may
> have.
> Thank you very much for reading this spam.
> Spam R Us Inc.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Appetizers and Specialty Spam
> Http://www.CruddySpam.Spam
> ------------------------------------------------------------
Well another spaming company hits my never ever buy from spammers
list...I'll be sure to tell all my friends family and anybody else
who'll listen too. I love word of mouth advertising, seems more
personal than spaming
I've found that if a business has any business ethics at all they
don't spam. Where does that leave this spaming company?
No Bread Crumbs were hurt in the making of this Meal.
Type 2 Diabetic Since Aug 2004
1AC- 7.2, 7.3, 5.5, 5.6 mmol
Weight from 265 down to 219 lbs. and dropping.
Continuing to be Manitoban