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In article .com>,
> wrote:

> I don't see too many slob scenes at the market, fortunately. Every so
> often I spot a package of a perishable (e.g., cold cuts, pkg of meat,
> ice cream)left on a shelf...always disturbs me that someone is
> perfectly willing to waste food to save him-/herself a walk of maybe a
> 100 feet. One of my pet peeves is trash left in a shopping cart for
> someone else to pick up and throw lists, empty sample
> cups, used napkins, candy wrappers, etc. My other favorite pet peeve
> involves those shoppers leaving carts in the middle of an aisle while
> they wander off to get this or that. Grrrr.
> Mac

Hmmmmm. This must partially explain the Cart Wipes I encountered on
entering my local Kroger. I asked the manager whether I was supposed
to use them before or after I used the cart. Laughingly he said that
depended on what I did with the cart. Guess he's seen lots of