Well if it is not unconstitutional (I still think it is) then it most
certianly is against our Bill of Rights. If my rights are taken from
me by force it IS most definitely oppresion, it is no less a crime just
because you think it's only a minor nusiance.
Again, it would be "stupid" and "annoying" if we had the choice not to
abide by the rule, if we could shop at another store for example, but
we don't have that choice. For such a rule to be enforced on us
against our wills IS oppresive. If I were a store owner and decided to
break that rule (because neither my customer nor I want to abide by it
and we are both adults and can decide for ourselves what is best in our
own lives) I would probably be fined, if I refused to pay that fine I
would eventually be forced to abide by some punishment, like jail, at
the point of a gun, if that is not oppresion I don't know what is.
"How soon we forget history... government is not reason. Government is
not eloquence. It is force. And, like fire, it is a dangerous servant
and a fearful master." George Washington - (Who's favorite
drink was porter)
By the way, have you had Ebenezer ale? If you had to wait 9 months for
it you'd think it was oppresive also? :-)