Paul Hobson wrote:
>> I feel oppressed.
>> That, and I'm out of beer.
>> -Homer
> I feel ya. It's the same way in GA. What's funny is that I typically
> do my grocery shopping on Sunday and that's when all the sales (even on
> beer) go up. I always have wait an come back though.
> At least GA finally has allowed high-gravity beers to be sold legally.
> Hey, it's a step.
I think that's the part that bothers me the most. I have the most time
to do grocery shopping on Sundays. Sundays are like my errand day, and
I hate going to the grocery. It's like time wasted that you'll never
get back. Going twice in the same week just adds fuel to the hatred.
Also, towards the end of the day on Saturday they tend to slack on
stocking the beer knowing that very soon they will have a slot of time
in which it won't matter if they don't stock the beer aisle.
Once I was camping in a dry county in Kentucky, and some locals
overheard me and my friends complaining about the drive to get beer, and
get back to the campsite. They directed us to a nearby bait shop where
one could buy beer and alcohol (illegally) imported from across the
county line.
Funny, no?