A little birdie told me that Melba's Jammin' >
>Carol, have you tried any of the low-carb pasta products?
Yup! I tried DaVinci's first. I think that's how they recycle cardboard
boxes, I really do. It went in the trash.
Dreamfields is excellent, though. I wish it came in more shapes. I wrote
and asked about lasagna noodles, and they said to watch the shelves because
more shapes are in development.
Right now, I'm easing my way back to low carb. I've started by eliminating
sugar and obvious snack foods (the dogs love the generic Cheetos). Once
I'm emotionally stable (no smart-ass remarks - LOL) with the no-sugar part
of the plan, I'll start chipping away at pastas, potatoes (easy, because
they usually make me sick), baked goods, and rice. Cold turkey is a very
unpleasant way to go low-carb. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy a few
foods that I know will be things of the past in the near future.
BTW, Hood's Carb Countdown is a very good milk product. They remove the
lactose and replace it with sucralose (Splenda). The finally product is a
little on the sweet side, but hey, it's milk. I think (from memory) that
the change is carbs is from 15 per cup to 3 per cup. Don't quote me on
that, but the difference is significant.
Coming at you live, from beautiful Lake Woebegon