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Wayne Boatwright
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On Mon 18 Apr 2005 03:24:23p, Puester wrote in

> Dave Smith wrote:
>> Sheldon wrote:
>>>By far the very worst stupidmarket _filth offenders_ are the employees
>>>working in the meat and deli departments... um, yoose really don't
>>>wanna know.

>> My sister in law was at the meat counter of her favourite local (family
>> run) grocery store. The girl who was waiting on her sneezed into her
>> hand and could not understand why my SIL would not accept the meat she
>> had just wrapped for her or why she insisted on someone else waiting on
>> her.

> A few years ago I watched a seafood clerk who was in the back room. He
> was on the phone and running his vinyl-gloved hand through his greasy
> hair, over and over.
> When he finally came out I ordered two pounds of scallops. He proceeded
> to stick his hand (in the SAME glove) in the bin of scallops and
> transfer handsful into a plastic bag. When I told him I no longer
> wanted the scallops because he had contaminated them with dirty gloves,
> he looked incredulous and angry.
> I reported the incident to the public health department and the
> store management, but I doubt it made any difference. I rarely shop in
> htat store any longer and never buy meat or seafood there.
> gloria p

It probably happens where you now shop, as well, though you haven't seen

Wayne Boatwright

Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974