Thread: Someday...
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Bill Davidsen
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Homer Simpson wrote:
> Hopefully soon. My lame state of Indiana will abolish the law that
> forbids people to buy alcohol on Sundays.
> You can go to church (yuck!), you can go to the bar and drink, but you
> can't buy a case of beer from the gocery store.
> It's silly, bordering on obscene.
> Guess what happens if, say, the 4th of July falls on a Sunday? That's
> right, you gotta buy your beer on Saturday. You gotta plan ahead like,
> nearly 24 hours.
> I feel oppressed.
> That, and I'm out of beer.

Man, if being out of beer isn't bad enough, the 4th of July isn't for
another three months. You could maybe, stock up? I can identify with
being out of what I'd like to drink at some time, but being out of beer?
That is, as you said, "silly, bordering on obscene."

-bill davidsen )
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
last possible moment - but no longer" -me
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