Chocolate covered almonds
New to group I decided to learn to make chocolate covered almonds,
because both almonds and dark chocolate are now on the "good for you"
list, as they contain anti oxidants, plus increase "feel good" hormones.
I got good buys on both almonds, and Ghiradelli bulk dark chocolate at
Trader . Joes.
I melted the chocolate in a glass pie pan over boiling water, then
dipped the nuts in via a slotted spoon, resulting in clusters.
Now the problem. The aforementioned clusters were marvelous, after a
short time in the frig, but they melted rapidly on my hands and face. I
had to eat them with a spoon.
Could it be that some kind of additive, makes chocolate so it doesn't
melt like that, such as one finds in Hershey almond bars.? If so any
suggestions as to how to fix this. ?
Thanks in advance