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Nils Gustaf Lindgren
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Default First mention of Tokay

A month or so ago I asked about the hsitory of the names tocai (as in tocai
bianco) and Tokay (as in Tokay Pinot Gris). Luk´s explanation of tocai as
Slovenian, meaning simply "from here" (later confirmed in a translation
machine) seemed so pedestrian and lack-luster that it simply has to be true
(cf Italian variety names such as schiava, vernaccia).
SO, Tokay. When is Tokay first mentioned in ALsace? Mr Google has been
interviewed repeatedly, but fails to give an answer. If Tokay was put on the
labels of bottles (perfectly anachronsitic) to make people think of the
great Tokaji, then, they would have to _know_ about Tokaji, right? And that
places us in the 17th century and the days of Louis XV.
I´m sorry if I´m bugging anybody about this, I suppose I´ve got a touch of
Asperger, is all ...
Perhaps it appears unlikely that it would be possible to pinpoint a "first
mention", but, as an example, Gewurztraminer is mentioned as a typical
Alsace variety 1551! I think the frist mention of Riesling by name goes even
further back (14th century!).

So, anybody know this?


Nils Gustaf

Respond to nils dot lindgren at drchips dot se