Thread: Someday...
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> Well if it is not unconstitutional (I still think it is)

Nope. It isn't. 21st Amendment, second clause:

"The transportation or importation into any state, territory, or
possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of
intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby

This clause gives the individual states, territories, and U.S.
possessions the right to regulate the sale of alcohol beverages as
they see fit. So, you still get states that forbid Sunday retail
sales. Or, like where I live, the state forbids sales between 2AM
and 6AM every day, and also controls hard liquor stores via a network
of state-owned shops and licensed "agencies." Again, nothing
unconstitutional about it, no matter what you think.

You actually have read the U.S. Constitution and know what the
amendments say, right?

> then it most
> certianly is against our Bill of Rights.

Funny. So far, nobody's taken the 21st Amendment to the Supreme Court
and succeeded with that claim. You're welcome to try your hand at
constitutional law, though. The justices could use a laugh.

> If my rights are taken from
> me by force it IS most definitely oppresion, it is no less a crime just
> because you think it's only a minor nusiance.

Nowhere in the Bill of Rights is it stated that you have the right to
buy alcohol beverages on Sundays. Why do you hate the Constitution?

> Again, it would be "stupid" and "annoying" if we had the choice not to
> abide by the rule, if we could shop at another store for example, but
> we don't have that choice. For such a rule to be enforced on us
> against our wills IS oppresive.

You need to get a dictionary and learn the meaning of the word
"oppressive." You're getting nowhere by quacking this pseudo-
libertoonian loon line. Don't like the laws in your state? Either (a)
change them, or (b) vote with your feed and move somewhere where the law
is more to your liking.

> If I were a store owner and decided to
> break that rule (because neither my customer nor I want to abide by it
> and we are both adults and can decide for ourselves what is best in our
> own lives) I would probably be fined, if I refused to pay that fine I
> would eventually be forced to abide by some punishment, like jail, at
> the point of a gun, if that is not oppresion I don't know what is.

It's not obeying the law. That ain't oppression, bunkie. When you set
up business selling booze in your state, you agree to obey the law.
If that law says that you don't sell on Sundays, well, tough jiz. Don't
sell on Sundays. BTW, the shop owner wouldn't just be fined in most
states. Since most states require a state-issued license to sell
alcohol beverages, the shop owner would also lose his license. If he
refused to pay the concommitant fine, the state would already have taken
a chunk of earning potential away from him. The state could even show
up and simply shut the place down. Long before that point, a shop owner
with a hint of a brain would figure out that he's way past the point of
diminishing returns on that one. So let's review, shall we? In
exchange for being granted a license to sell alcohol beverages, I agree
to abide by the terms set by the state. If I don't, the license is
forfeit. Hey, this is like driving a car! Let me guess - if the speed
limit is 40 mph, and you just feel like driving 85, and the bad old
cop stops you and hands you a ticket, you're just gonna scream, "Help!
Help! I'm being oppressed!" Right?

No, you have no clue what oppression is. Obviously. But you do like to
whine a lot. Relax, and drink a beer. And maybe move somewhere where
they let you buy beer every day, like where I live.