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notbob wrote:
> On 2005-04-19, -L. > wrote:
> "GD people"? How many people? I've lived in CA for decades and

> seen a single one.

Enough to be irritating. I don't think I ever went into an Albertson's
or a Safeway that didn't have a pile of broken yams.

> BTW, just how does one "break open" a yam?

Pick up the end, whack it on the edge of the display and crack the end
off of it, or cack it down the middle. Then pull it apart. Yes, it
was brutal. <eg>

> maybe, smash possibly, but "break open"? One can't stick their
> fingers into a yam and break it open unless they're cooked or the
> person's one strong sumbitch. I suspect you saw something other than
> a yam or you're just "dumb", minus the "founded".
> nb

No dear, it was yams. I don't buy sweet potatoes.
