Thread: Dinner
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Default Corned beef hash was Dinner

Well it certainly was easy. I always have pickling salt available and
pickling spice I keep in my freezer, the other things, sugar, pepper, garlic
I always have and I have my own bay tree so added 2 fresh leaves. But, I'm
confused a little. I read a few other recipes and some called for salt
petre, some corned it a lot longer than the Nova Scotia recipe. I guess
only time will tell or should I say taste.


Thanks be unto God for His wonderful gift:
Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God
is the object of our faith; the only faith that
saves is faith in Him

<>< ><>


"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
.. .
> "LIMEYNO1" > wrote in news:Sk1Nb.388$jw2.61572
> > Well, I picked up a sirloin tip and it's corning at this moment.
> >

> That's a great start! I haven't corned my own beef in a very long time,
> but I think it's the best. Luckily, I do have a butcher whose corned beef
> is quite good and all I have to do is cook it. One of these days I'll

> to get back to doing it myself.