Dog3 wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright > typed this gem in
> :
>> On Tue 19 Apr 2005 01:23:32p, Karen AKA Kajikit wrote in
>>> On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 08:36:13 -0700, "The Ranger"
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Karen AKA Kajikit > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> Last week we got some really ripe strawberries really
>>>>> cheap, so I pureed them and froze them in icecube trays
>>>>> with a generous spritz of orange juice and confectioner's sugar...
>>>>> Put a couple of 'strawberry cubes' into a tall glass of sprite
>>>>> and mmmmm it's good!
>>>> It does sound good! But I'd think of it more as a spritzer than
>>>> lemonade...
>>> In Australia, sprite and other clear sodas are called lemonade, and
>>> the yellow stuff is lemon squash.
>>> ~Karen aka Kajikit
>>> Crafts, cats, and chocolate - the three essentials of life
>> Do not mix the cats and the chocolate. <g>
> Speaking of cats, I almost put Hoot on the tumble dry setting in the
> dryer this morning. She sneaked into the dryer. Thankfully she meowed
> in protest when I closed the door and I heard her. She is such a
> snoop.
> The frozen strawberries sound like an idea. Next time I find a decent
> batch I'm going to freeze some strawberry pure'.
> Michael
Gosh you leave gardening tools out and you put cats in dryers; sounds like
you'd be a good person to stay away from! LOL. Just kiddin'.