"Steve Jackson" > wrote in message
> "Homer Simpson" > wrote in message
> ink.net...
> > On the plus side, a bill introducing daylight savings time to the state
> > Indiana passed the State House and looks poised to become a law. Soon my
> > home state will enter the 1950's! What an exciting time!
> Shit, they finally passed that? That was one of the many, many things I
> hated about living in Indiana. And I never thought I'd see the day where
> they'd cave.
I'd prefer having the same time all year, actually...
> Incidentally, not being able to buy beer on Sundays wasn't on that list.
> Sure, I prefer living someplace where that is possible, but it's hardly
> the apocalypse is nigh because of that law.
I'd like to buy beer at grocery stores too, but that's not happening here
in BC. Fortunately, beer can be bought in cold beer and wine stores and
in privatised liquor stores, but the government liquor stores are closed on
Sundays, and only a select few of them carry my brand of beer while no
one else does. I stock up on Tuesdays or Wednesdays for the week...