>various snips>
>This weekend, my mother's family is having a long-overdue reunion.
>there will be about 35-40 people there, including children.
>I'm figuring that two ribs per person should be about average.
>I would rather have some ribs left over.
>Do any of you use rib racks, and, if so, what are your results?
Assuming these are pork, to be on the generous side, figuring 30
adults at 3 per person, and 10 kids at 2 per person (if it was my
family). That's 110 ribs. You can do the math from there. If you're
doing meaty beef ribs, 2 per person (80 ribs) is plenty.
The vertical rib racks are great. The flavor is the same. The only
hassle is turning the ribs top to bottom, which takes a little
Reheating in loose foil works just fine, and keeps the ribs moist.