Ken Davey > wrote in message
> Pickle them.
> My method:
> Cut into 3/8 inch rings.
> Enough cider vinegar to cover in a saucepan.
> Salt - maybe a scant teaspoon per cup.
> Bring briefly to a boil.
> Cool and jar.
> Keep in fridge.
> Great garnish for rice or use in salads.
> If you are a jalipeno addict like me use them on everything (g).
> Regards.
> Ken.
Yum. My preferred method of dealing with excess chilis of any kind (I grow
them) is to make wine from them - it's surprisingly good! Jack Keller's wine
site has a good recipe -
I started a batch last Autumn, and it was quaffable by Christmas (although
what's left will probably improve with age). Started another batch last
week, as it was so good! I'm no expert at winemaking - only started last
year, so if I can do it, anyone can!
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