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In article >,
Wayne Boatwright > wrote:

> On Sat 23 Apr 2005 01:14:57a, Alex Rast wrote in


> > From my POV the alternatives seem to be just as fast and easy. The
> > things the microwave seems to address are the problems of
> > absent-mindedness and poor planning. My personal view is that these are
> > issues better solved by a few trips through the school of Hard Knocks -
> > a few disasters and you learn not to forget to do something, and also to
> > think creatively when you do forget.

> LOL! You are obviously determined to not be convinced, to the point of it
> being humorous.

Either that or he's a technophobe. ;-)

In our overly fast-paced lives, the microwave is a real time saver
sometimes! I use mine mostly for re-heating leftovers, but I will use it
to steam veggies if I'm short on time. I rarely use it to cook meat.

I PREFER the microwave for melting butter for crab and shrimp! Less
likelyhood of scorching it.

> I don't do any major cooking in my microwave, but I find it invaluable for
> speedily performing various interim steps in recipes, as well as *gentle*
> and thorough reheating of moist foods. I'd also rather be spontaneous in
> deciding what I want to cook or eat rather than planning hours or a day
> ahead. Spur of the moment thawing tasks are handled quickly and accurately
> in a good microwave. The best of today's microwave ovens are light years
> ahead of those that existed 5 years ago and have capabilities that you are
> probably unaware of.

Yep! I've found the same here.

> Far be it from me to try and convince you of anything. I only know that
> owning a good microwave is an invaluable asset to my lifestyle.

My mom fought getting one for ages also but once she got one, she and I
were both at a bit of a loss when one broke down and we were between
them.... Silly, but true!

One does get spoiled!

Sprout the MungBean to reply

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see, I have friends in both places." --Mark Twain